Friday, December 29, 2017

Doing Some Beta Reading This Weekend

A couple of authors have sent me new projects they're working on, so after a marathon 4 books in 4 days revisit of my own Talon series, I'll be dedicating the New Year's weekend to beta reading these projects.

I enjoy reading what authors are working on and watching their stories and novels take shape over one to two or more readings. It's interesting to see how their work develops.

I haven't exactly pinpointed my own writing projects for 2018, but I do have a number of ghost stories written, although perhaps not quite enough for a second volume of Miss Peculiar's Ghost Stories. We'll have to see how things go with The Hanged Man that surprisingly started out as a little ghost story but has grown to novelette length...and threatens to reach novella length soon!

I'd like to write a novel titled Memento Mori. I've been doing some research and kicking around some ideas- we'll see how this creepy, atmospheric project plays out over the course of the year. Would like to have it done by October for a Halloween time launch.

Also on the agenda for this weekend is the search for a messenger bag lap top case for my new laptop. I'd like to keep it safe and clean and not just lying around the house. It does travel with me on occasion! It should have a proper carrying bag!

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