Monday, December 19, 2016

So Much To Do!

     I am so far behind in my usual holiday rat race it's not funny.
     I have an annual Christmas story to write for Family & Friends, a tradition since 1997- and absolutely no idea but a mind full of sheer white panic!
     I did write four Christmas ghost stories in 10 days but I'm not sure any of them would be appropriate for sending along to bring holiday cheer to the people I love! Although I am a Victorian at heart, and the Victorians were the champions of ghost stories!
     My house looks like a tornado ripped through it and left the walls standing.
     Work is insane! It may be the season of giving, but it's ALSO the season of want! Everybody wants something, like yesterday Well, cool your jets folks, I'm one person and I'm still fulfilling the wants of people from two months ago!
      My brother gifted me a plastic light-up camel from someone's discarded outdoor nativity scene. The camel is lying on the back seat of my 2014 SUV, which I finally got back after 6 weeks in the service department for "mouse invasion" decontamination and repairs. I do not believe for an instant that there was not a creature stirring, not even a mouse! Those hyperactive, not to mention voracious, little rodents ate the interior of my car, all the places you can't see like the headliners, wiring inside door panels, filters, insulation, noise dampening foam...otherwise, it looked pristine inside. Got it back this past Thursday and hit 18,000 miles on the odometer on the way home. I'm not sure what to do with the camel...he's too big to display with all the other camels in my house. So, he's my backseat driver for the time being.
     Congratulations to the four Goodreads entrants who've won a first edition signed copy of Yuletide Stories. Books will be going out shortly. This volume has earned a few 5 star ratings. Holiday stories are what I do best.
     Made peanut butter cookies with Kelly yesterday. She ate way too many! Today I copied seven cookie recipes from a friend's recipe book and can't wait to try my hand at making chocolate glazed donut cookies, mocha cookies, double butterscotch cookies, cranberry drop cookies, classis sugar cookies (I've never actually made them except from the Pillsbury roll in the dairy case!). I love baking but seldom have much in the way of free  time to accomplish this.
     I need to learn how to delegate. I'll put that at the top of my New Year's Resolutions List, and then throw the list out on the eleventh of January when I admit that I've never actually done anything on any New Year's resolution list in my entire life and, at my age, that's not miraculously going to change at any time in the near future.
     I want to write a new book...
     I want to see more of the country than New England...
     I want to visit NYC once before I die...but will settle for a hearse ride through the city if I must.
     I want to bring about world peace, but accidentally deleted all my brilliant plans when cleaning miscellaneous files off the computer. So much for that. Years and years of note taking and diagrams, charts, schematics, research...all for naught. Sorry about that, Chief.
     Therefore, I will settle for bringing a little humor and love into the hearts of as many people as I can with my writing.
     Whatever you celebrate this time of year I wish you all the best on that day, and throughout the coming New Year. I'll be having a quiet Winter Solstice, a subdued Christmas, a lazy Boxing Day...Peace


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