Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Little Fan Club

I had a phone call from my friend Betty this evening. She told me to expect a check in the mail, she was buying some of my books. Wow. When I asked her which ones she was buying, she replied, "All of them!" Double Wow!

Then, I went to get my hair cut. I had given my stylist a copy of Medea six weeks ago. She told me she'd started to read it, but needs to restart it, however, her fifteen-year old daughter, Mackenzie, had read it and she'd liked it. As she was blow-drying my hair, Mackenzie herself showed up with her grandmother. She was happy to meet me (I have actually known her since she was a very little girl, but she didn't really know me well enough to match my name to my face, and it's been a few years since I last saw her.). So, tonight, sweet Mackenzie was gifted with Halloween Story and Miss Peculiar's Haunting Tales, Volume I since I happened to have a copy of each of my books in the car.  I'm having lunch tomorrow with my good friend, Gail, who doesn't yet have the complete library. I need to have them all with me so I can fill in what she's missing. (No, I don't drive around all the time with my car full of my books! I would feel like an encyclopedia salesman!) She's also a fan of mine.

I gifted my office manager five volumes today because she is going on a much needed vacation. She's read some of my stories and has liked them in the past.

Tonight- I have realized that slowly, I am developing a fan base. My youngest fan (excluding Kelly, for whom I have made-up stories and written stories for all her life since she was two or three years old) is age 9 (Grace!) and my oldest was the woman who became like a mother to me after the death of my own mother, the late Pauline who was almost 92 years old when she passed away last September. My fan base ranges from age 9 to 91. Evelyn (age 12) is also a fan (she's read Medea.)

I can honestly say it was a strange feeling tonight signing the two books for Mackenzie. She was absolutely glowing with excitement. I like that I have touched her life in this way. She has done some dabbling on wattpad. I am all for encouraging young writers, no matter how they express themselves with the written language- be it prose, poetry, blogging or whatever. The written word needs to survive or else we will disappear from history. 

Technology, I just don't see it as a reliable historian. (For a person who is generally the most optimistic person on earth, that is a rare pessimistic statement.)

Thank you, my little fan club!

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